Monday, July 6, 2009

Trainer Notes: July 6th

Well, another month and workout program came to an end last week. Michael did great on the workouts in this last routine. It was definitely a challenging routine for him in the beginning, and while it wasn't easy by the end, he was getting through the strength and cardio workouts with probably just a little more to give. This week will start another new type of workout, though, where we will change up the exercises and the format. Halfway through, we will also change the rep range to really keep his body guessing. Yes, we are in the last big push, I guess. The new workout will start by working on some muscular endurance, and will include, as usual, some new compound or combination based movements. They will challenge not just an isolated muscle group, but will also force multiple muscles and the entire body to work together, including his core muscles and involving some joint stability/mobility at the same time.

Generally, these types of movements are much more effective in helping someone reach their goals than purely just working the muscles in a stable and isolated fashion. Compound and full body movements work more muscles at once, release beneficial hormones, increase metabolic rate, and are overall a more efficient way to workout. This doesn't mean we don't do other types of movements and exercises in addition, or that those are the only types of exercises you should do. As always for us, it comes down to properly selecting and applying exercises and types of programs to each individual clients' needs and/or limitations. What we have designed for Michael will be appropriate for what he can handle, but will challenge him to work hard to do so. We're all really looking forward to what we can accomplish in this next month or so. It's been an amazing ride so far, so let's stay on it while we can.

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