Sunday, June 7, 2009

Trainer Notes: Week 12

Wow! Week 12 has officially come to an end, and it was NO Joke, my friends. We really pushed it hard this week, to complete our strength phase on a high note. Weights increased, we added additional sets for some exercises, and we continued to push the limits on what Michael could accomplish during both his resistance and cardio workouts.

Michael actually finished his chest press on the exercise ball this week by pushing up 70 pound Dumbells! His strength improvements all around in just 12 weeks have been absolutely amazing! He's worked extremely hard for every ounce of it, though, as it surely didn't happen just because we willed it to. All of his hard work has paid off in leaps and bounds so far, though, which hopefully continues to give him the drive and motivation to soldier on through these last couple months of challenging workouts.

Next week we will switch gears and work in more of an endurance phase. His new found strength and his drastically improved cardiovascular endurance and recovery should help him tackle it head on, and allow him to really excel in it. He will be breathing hard, sweating bullets, and his muscles will probably burn like never before, but his body is now prepared for it, and he will be burning off vast amounts of calories in the process as a reward. Michael, if you're reading this, don't get too scared, there has to be some liscense for adding dramatic effect, right? :) Really, though, it will be fine - it's just that anytime we change our phase or approach to the workout, it's challenging at first because it keeps our body guessing and working hard to adapt to the new stimulus.

That's why we do it, though, because it keeps us always progressing, improving, and avoiding hitting a plateau. Early next week will be a good time to remeasure Michael's inches and body fat percentage, too, so stay tuned for those results. I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll be pretty happy with the changes again.

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