Thursday, April 30, 2009

Meal Plan: Week 6

Michael's nutrition continues to be a big contributor toward the results he is still seeing. As you see in his previous post, he lost another 8.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks! So, he's lost almost 30 lbs. in 6 weeks. It's really incredible! As mentioned before, the nutritional part of the program can often be at least 50% of the formula in seeing good initial, and in particular, lasting results. Michael has already done what most people struggle with the most, and that's to fully change his nutritional habits. We started by teaching him the right concepts, helping him make some simple changes and setting small goals week to week. Taking this step by step approach really helps to reinforce the changes as habit, as well as helping to prevent the usually overwhelming feeling that more drastic measures create. He put so much focus and dedication into following all of our recommendations, that we were able to help him continue to make more changes and set more and more new goals every single week. At this point, the changes he has made are becoming more and more of a true lifestyle change, and that is where I believe Michael's greatest "transformation" has occured so far. If you saw where Michael's diet was at before he started, to where it is now, you would truly understand how amazing the change is. It's a complete 180. So, while all of the weight loss, inches lost, and body fat lost is fantastic so far, the improvements he has made nutritionally and the knowledge he has gained will also improve his health and will carry with him for life - not to mention how it will continue to help him burn off body fat at a steady rate!

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