Monday, April 27, 2009

Trainer Notes: Week 6

Michael had a great week. Although last week felt like week one all over again with the exercise progressions in the resistance training workouts; he has begun to adapt quickly to the changes in his program. The first four weeks of his workouts we focused on anatomical adaptation. We helped him connect with the muscle groups we were going to be working. Laying out the foundation during the first four weeks has helped him adapt quicker to the progressions put in place for the next four weeks. We want him to be able to push harder and begin to reach "momentary muscle failure" in the last set of each exercise. I know this can sound scary, but it simply means that he uses a resistance heavy enough that he can only lift it the recommended repatitions on the last set. He has already been able to do this while maintaining proper form with some of the exercises this week. He has also been able to push harder with the cardiovascular workouts.

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